makes a few assumptions about how the code should be structured.
The application should be split in Blueprint
It is possible to use basic Flask view functions but it is generally a good idea
to use Flask MethodView
classes instead.
Marshmallow Schema
are used to serialize parameters
and responses.
Request and response bodies are serialized as JSON.
A view function only has one successful response type and status code. All other possible responses are errors.
Simple Example¶
Here is a basic “Petstore example”, where The Pet
class is an imaginary ORM.
First instantiate an Api
with a Flask
from flask import Flask
from flask.views import MethodView
import marshmallow as ma
from flask_smorest import Api, Blueprint, abort
from .model import Pet
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config["API_TITLE"] = "My API"
app.config["API_VERSION"] = "v1"
app.config["OPENAPI_VERSION"] = "3.0.2"
api = Api(app)
Define a marshmallow Schema
to expose the model.
class PetSchema(ma.Schema):
id = ma.fields.Int(dump_only=True)
name = ma.fields.String()
Define a marshmallow Schema
to validate the
query arguments.
class PetQueryArgsSchema(ma.Schema):
name = ma.fields.String()
Instantiate a Blueprint
blp = Blueprint("pets", "pets", url_prefix="/pets", description="Operations on pets")
Use MethodView
classes to organize resources,
and decorate view methods with Blueprint.arguments
and Blueprint.response
to specify request
deserialization and response serialization respectively.
Use abort
to return errors, passing kwargs used by the error
handler (handle_http_exception
) to build
the error response.
class Pets(MethodView):
@blp.arguments(PetQueryArgsSchema, location="query")
@blp.response(200, PetSchema(many=True))
def get(self, args):
"""List pets"""
return Pet.get(filters=args)
@blp.response(201, PetSchema)
def post(self, new_data):
"""Add a new pet"""
item = Pet.create(**new_data)
return item
class PetsById(MethodView):
@blp.response(200, PetSchema)
def get(self, pet_id):
"""Get pet by ID"""
item = Pet.get_by_id(pet_id)
except ItemNotFoundError:
abort(404, message="Item not found.")
return item
@blp.response(200, PetSchema)
def put(self, update_data, pet_id):
"""Update existing pet"""
item = Pet.get_by_id(pet_id)
except ItemNotFoundError:
abort(404, message="Item not found.")
return item
def delete(self, pet_id):
"""Delete pet"""
except ItemNotFoundError:
abort(404, message="Item not found.")
Finally, register the Blueprint
in the Api