
To inject arguments into a view function, use the Blueprint.arguments decorator. It allows to specify a Schema to deserialize and validate the parameters.

When processing a request, the input data is deserialized, validated, and injected in the view function.

class Pets(MethodView):
    @blp.arguments(PetQueryArgsSchema, location="query")
    @blp.response(200, PetSchema(many=True))
    def get(self, args):
        return Pet.get(filters=args)

    @blp.response(201, PetSchema)
    def post(self, pet_data):
        return Pet.create(**pet_data)

Arguments Location

The following locations are allowed:

  • "json"

  • "query" (or "querystring")

  • "path"

  • "form"

  • "headers"

  • "cookies"

  • "files"

The location defaults to "json", which means body parameter.

Arguments Injection

By default, arguments are passed as a single positional dict argument. If as_kwargs=True is passed, the decorator passes deserialized input data as keyword arguments instead.

class Pets(MethodView):
    @blp.arguments(PetQueryArgsSchema, location="query", as_kwargs=True)
    @blp.response(200, PetSchema(many=True))
    def get(self, **kwargs):
        return Pet.get(filters=kwargs)

This decorator can be called several times on a resource function, for instance to accept both body and query parameters. The order of the decorator calls matters as it determines the order in which the parameters are passed to the view function.

class Pets(MethodView):
    @blp.arguments(QueryArgsSchema, location="query")
    def post(pet_data, query_args):
        return Pet.create(pet_data, **query_args)

Dealing With Unknown Arguments

When input data contains unknown fields, a marshmallow Schema may raise a ValidationError (default), exclude those fields, or include them without validation. This can be controlled by the unknown Meta attribute of the Schema, which can be set to RAISE, EXCLUDE or INCLUDE.

Marshmallow also allows to pass an unknown argument to change this on the fly on each load. This parameter, if not None, overrides the Meta attribute. But it does not propagate to nested Schema s.

json, form or json_or_form locations may contain nested schemas, so the only way to change behaviour about unknown (for instance to set it to EXCLUDE), is to set it in a Meta attribute. This can be done conveniently in a base Schema class.

For locations that typically don’t use nested Schema s (query_string, headers, cookies and files), unknown=EXCLUDE is passed, as it is considered a more sensible default.

The unknown argument passed to the Schema for each location can be customized by subclassing the FlaskParser imported from webargs and set it in a base Blueprint class:

import marshmallow as ma
from webargs.flaskparser import FlaskParser
from flask_smorest import Blueprint

class MyFlaskParser(FlaskParser):
        "query": ma.RAISE,
        # ...

class MyBlueprint(Blueprint):
    ARGUMENTS_PARSER = MyFlaskParser()

For the reason stated above, setting a value there for locations containing nested Schema s is not recommended because that value would only apply to the first level and would not propagate to nested Schema s.

Setting None for a location disables the feature for that location: no unknown argument is passed and marshmallow uses the Schema’s unknown Meta attribute or falls back to marshmallow default (RAISE).

Setting None as DEFAULT_UNKNOWN_BY_LOCATION instead of a location/value mapping disables the feature for all locations.


More info about customizing unknown can be found in webargs documentation.

Multiple Arguments Schemas

Calls to arguments decorator can be stacked, for instance to define arguments from multiple locations:

class Pets(MethodView):
    @blp.arguments(QueryArgsSchema, location="query")
    @blp.response(201, PetSchema)
    def post(self, pet_data, query_args):
        pet = Pet.create(**pet_data)
        # Use query args
        return pet

It can also be done to define multiple arguments for the same location. Of course, this only makes sense for locations where unknown is set to EXCLUDE.

Content Type

When using body arguments, a default content type is assumed depending on the location. The location / content type mapping can be customized by modifying Blueprint.DEFAULT_LOCATION_CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPING.

    "json": "application/json",
    "form": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
    "files": "multipart/form-data",

It is also possible to override those defaults in a single resource by passing a string as content_type argument to Blueprint.arguments.


The content type is only used for documentation purpose and has no impact on request parsing.


Multipart requests with mixed types (file, form, etc.) are not supported. They can be achieved but the documentation is not correctly generated. arguments decorator can be called multiple times on the same view function but it should not be called with more that one request body location. This limitation is discussed in #46.

File Upload

File uploads as multipart/form-data are supported for both OpenAPI 3 and OpenAPI 2.

The arguments Schema should contain Upload fields. The files are injected in the view function as a dict of werkzeug FileStorage instances.

import os.path
from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename
from flask_smorest.fields import Upload

class MultipartFileSchema(ma.Schema):
    file_1 = Upload()

@blp.route("/", methods=["POST"])
@blp.arguments(MultipartFileSchema, location="files")
def func(files):
    base_dir = "/path/to/storage/dir/"
    file_1 = files["file_1"], secure_filename(file_1.filename)))