"""Flask request argument parsing module.
Example: ::
from flask import Flask
from webargs import fields
from webargs.flaskparser import use_args
app = Flask(__name__)
user_detail_args = {"per_page": fields.Int()}
def user_detail(args, uid):
return ("The user page for user {uid}, showing {per_page} posts.").format(
uid=uid, per_page=args["per_page"]
from __future__ import annotations
import json
import typing
import flask
import marshmallow as ma
from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException
from webargs import core
def abort(
http_status_code: int, exc: Exception | None = None, **kwargs: typing.Any
) -> typing.NoReturn:
"""Raise a HTTPException for the given http_status_code. Attach any keyword
arguments to the exception for later processing.
From Flask-Restful. See NOTICE file for license information.
except HTTPException as err:
err.data = kwargs # type: ignore
err.exc = exc # type: ignore
raise err
def is_json_request(req: flask.Request) -> bool:
return core.is_json(req.mimetype)
class FlaskParser(core.Parser[flask.Request]):
"""Flask request argument parser."""
DEFAULT_UNKNOWN_BY_LOCATION: dict[str, str | None] = {
"view_args": ma.RAISE,
"path": ma.RAISE,
__location_map__ = dict(
def _raw_load_json(self, req: flask.Request) -> typing.Any:
"""Return a json payload from the request for the core parser's load_json
Checks the input mimetype and may return 'missing' if the mimetype is
non-json, even if the request body is parseable as json."""
if not is_json_request(req):
return core.missing
return core.parse_json(req.get_data(cache=True))
def _handle_invalid_json_error(
error: json.JSONDecodeError | UnicodeDecodeError,
req: flask.Request,
*args: typing.Any,
**kwargs: typing.Any,
) -> typing.NoReturn:
abort(400, exc=error, messages={"json": ["Invalid JSON body."]})
def load_view_args(self, req: flask.Request, schema: ma.Schema) -> typing.Any:
"""Return the request's ``view_args`` or ``missing`` if there are none."""
return req.view_args or core.missing
def load_querystring(self, req: flask.Request, schema: ma.Schema) -> typing.Any:
"""Return query params from the request as a MultiDictProxy."""
return self._makeproxy(req.args, schema)
def load_form(self, req: flask.Request, schema: ma.Schema) -> typing.Any:
"""Return form values from the request as a MultiDictProxy."""
return self._makeproxy(req.form, schema)
def load_headers(self, req: flask.Request, schema: ma.Schema) -> typing.Any:
"""Return headers from the request as a MultiDictProxy."""
return self._makeproxy(req.headers, schema)
def load_cookies(self, req: flask.Request, schema: ma.Schema) -> typing.Any:
"""Return cookies from the request."""
return req.cookies
def load_files(self, req: flask.Request, schema: ma.Schema) -> typing.Any:
"""Return files from the request as a MultiDictProxy."""
return self._makeproxy(req.files, schema)
def handle_error(
error: ma.ValidationError,
req: flask.Request,
schema: ma.Schema,
error_status_code: int | None,
error_headers: typing.Mapping[str, str] | None,
) -> typing.NoReturn:
"""Handles errors during parsing. Aborts the current HTTP request and
responds with a 422 error.
status_code: int = error_status_code or self.DEFAULT_VALIDATION_STATUS
def get_default_request(self) -> flask.Request:
"""Override to use Flask's thread-local request object by default"""
return flask.request
parser = FlaskParser()
use_args = parser.use_args
use_kwargs = parser.use_kwargs