Source code for flask_smorest

"""Api extension initialization"""

from webargs.flaskparser import abort  # noqa

from .spec import APISpecMixin
from .blueprint import Blueprint  # noqa
from .pagination import Page  # noqa
from .error_handler import ErrorHandlerMixin
from .globals import current_api  # noqa
from .utils import PrefixedMappingProxy, normalize_config_prefix

__version__ = "0.44.0"

[docs] class Api(APISpecMixin, ErrorHandlerMixin): """Main class Provides helpers to build a REST API using Flask. :param Flask app: Flask application :param spec_kwargs: kwargs to pass to internal APISpec instance :param str config_prefix: Prefix to Api parameters in application config The ``spec_kwargs`` dictionary is passed as kwargs to the internal APISpec instance. **flask-smorest** adds a few parameters to the original parameters documented in :class:`apispec.APISpec <apispec.APISpec>`: :param apispec.BasePlugin flask_plugin: Flask plugin :param apispec.BasePlugin marshmallow_plugin: Marshmallow plugin :param list|tuple extra_plugins: List of additional ``BasePlugin`` instances :param str title: API title. Can also be passed as application parameter `API_TITLE`. :param str version: API version. Can also be passed as application parameter `API_VERSION`. :param str openapi_version: OpenAPI version. Can also be passed as application parameter `OPENAPI_VERSION`. This allows the user to override default Flask and marshmallow plugins. For more flexibility, additional spec kwargs can also be passed as app parameter `API_SPEC_OPTIONS`. """ def __init__(self, app=None, *, spec_kwargs=None, config_prefix=""): self._app = app self._spec_kwargs = spec_kwargs or {} self.config_prefix = normalize_config_prefix(config_prefix) self.config = None self.spec = None # Use lists to enforce order self._fields = [] self._converters = [] if app is not None: self.init_app(app)
[docs] def init_app(self, app, *, spec_kwargs=None): """Initialize Api with application :param spec_kwargs: kwargs to pass to internal APISpec instance. Updates ``spec_kwargs`` passed in ``Api`` init. """ self._app = app self.config = PrefixedMappingProxy(app.config, self.config_prefix) # Register flask-smorest in app extensions app.extensions = getattr(app, "extensions", {}) ext = app.extensions.setdefault( "flask-smorest", { # Config prefix -> {"ext_obj": Api instance} "apis": {}, # Blueprint name -> Api instance "blp_name_to_api": {}, }, ) ext["apis"][self.config_prefix] = {"ext_obj": self} # Initialize spec self._init_spec(**{**self._spec_kwargs, **(spec_kwargs or {})}) # Initialize blueprint serving spec self._register_doc_blueprint() # Register error handlers self._register_error_handlers()
[docs] def register_blueprint(self, blp, *, parameters=None, **options): """Register a blueprint in the application Also registers documentation for the blueprint/resource :param Blueprint blp: Blueprint to register :param list parameters: List of parameter descriptions for the path parameters in the ``url_prefix`` of the Blueprint. Only used to document the resource. :param options: Keyword arguments overriding :class:`Blueprint <flask.Blueprint>` defaults Must be called after app is initialized. """ blp_name = options.get("name", self._app.extensions["flask-smorest"]["blp_name_to_api"][blp_name] = self self._app.register_blueprint(blp, **options) # Register views in API documentation for this resource blp.register_views_in_doc( self, self._app, self.spec, name=blp_name, parameters=parameters, ) # Add tag relative to this resource to the global tag list self.spec.tag({"name": blp_name, "description": blp.description})